Languages: Italian
Bentleigh West Primary School offers Italian as its Language Other Than English.
Students fromPrep to Grade 6 participate in Italian lessons once a week, for 45 minutes.
The teaching and learning of Italian focus of developing the communications skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking.
Students are exposed to the language and culture through games, singing, performances, postcards, images, cooking, creating booklets, flashcards, and more.
Each Semester, over a 2 year cycle, students cover a range of topics that incorporate both cultural and linguistic elements of the Italian language.
Topics include:
Il Bruco Affamato
Mangia Mangia
Il Camaleonte Variopinto
Strega Nonna, il sugo e la pasta
La Macchinetta Rossa
Ancient Rome
Le Belle Arti
Leonardo da Vinci
Italian Landmarks
The Italian Language
Italy’s 20 Regions
Italian Multi-Age Day is celebrated as an opportunity for students to participate in cultural activities with students from different year levels.